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MYP Service and Action

MYP Service and Action

Service learning is an essential component of the IB curriculum. 

Download a Student Action Activity Log 

Download a copy of the MYP High School Service Choice Board



View our videos Winter MYP Service & Spring MYP Service

2022 MYP Service Video


Freshmen and Sophomores are required to complete 30 hours of service each year.  Hours must be documented and students must provide contact information for the adults who supervise their service activities.  Log sheets and one-page reflections are due each year to Mrs. Cady on May 1.  Students who complete their service hours are recognized with certificates from the coordinator.


Engaging in service to the community allows students to:

  • Become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth
  • Undertake challenges that develop new skills
  • Discuss, evaluate, and plan student-initiated activities
  • Persevere in action
  • Work collaboratively with others
  • Develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding
  • Consider the ethical implications of their actions

What constitutes community service?

Students are encouraged to use their interests, passions, and skills to provide meaningful service both in school and during free time that they can devote to the community.  Many community activities involve a service component, so follow your interests and find a way to make a difference.  For community activities, students must be supervised by an adult, must be engaged with an organization (i.e. an animal shelter, a scouting group, or a charity, etc.), and provide contact information (email or telephone number) for the supervising adult.  Activities may be documented on the service log sheet.  Students may add additional pages as needed. Log sheets are due May 1.

How do I log hours?

  • Hours can be designated by the sponsor of an event.
  • Hours can be logged in half-hour increments.
  • A half an hour community service will be earned for giving items such as cans, clothes, and the like to a charity – the number of items will not matter. Students may accumulate up to two hours of time through donations.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in service hours on a regular and on-going basis.

What does not constitute service?

  • Any activity in which you receive a tangible benefit or reward such as money (like babysitting) or special favors.
  • Any school activity in which you will receive a grade or credit toward a grade.
  • Practice hours for performance activities (i.e. choir practice, sports practice, etc.)
  • Helping a relative or friend with chores or a job.
  • Participating in a religious activity, play, as an acolyte, or youth group that’s purpose is to promote a given religion. Activities that promote worship or evangelism do not count toward the service hours requirement.  However, if such an activity benefits others without proselytizing, then the activity will count. Feeding the homeless, building homes for the needy, holiday group presentations to the community, and assisting with gift giving during the holidays all count toward service hours.
  • Playing in a band for formal presentation at school does not constitute community service unless the ensemble plays outside the school for the benefit of others such as for a nursing home.
  • Please talk with the coordinator if you have questions regarding a type of service.

When will I be responsible for tracking my hours?

Students should track their hours on the service log sheets in hour and half hour increments. They should also complete a one-page reflection about their experience with service.

How are students recognized for completing service hours requirements?

Students are recognized each year with a certificate for completing their service hours.  Certificates are only printed after receiving the documentation of at least 30 hours of service and the required reflection.

MYP Student Activity Log to download: Signaturelog2020.pdf

Don't forget to document any old hours you may have on last year's log sheet and turn it in to Mrs. Cady by the time you return to school.  Keep your record up to date!